Thursday, August 27, 2009

Let The Tears Flow!!

The salty taste of those big beady drops from our tear glands, well sometimes they taste bitter, sometimes they taste sweet and sometimes well plain salty. Well confused?? hehe......let me elaborate, I have no intention to explore the culinary angles of the tears but the factors which stimulate it in us and why sometimes we refrain from it...anger, frustration, joy, sadness, laughter and millions of feelings maybe attached with it. The human being is a self-aware mammal, and therefore crying comes naturally to it.

Most of the time tear comes to us when we feel that emotional CLOT in us, yeah I am sure each of us is familiar with it. The feeling can be extremely beautiful or exactly vice versa. I am half-confused whether I should club anger, frustration or sadness together or leave them alone, because tears shed by them maybe indifferent but the intensity of emotions behind them are miles apart from each other.

Science says, “crying is beneficial to health and mental well-being". Then why does society have to stop from people from letting that CLOT out, the emotions inside us, whatever they maybe always want to be let out. Am not suggesting that fill up buckets of tears when you are feeling something but let it out, it’s better that way. I know the world is selfish and it's hard to say things but my friends it's not wrong to cry. Since, birth we are asked to stop crying and get a hold of ourselves that is perfectly all right, but parents, teachers and all those who help us in evolving as a person maybe sometimes you should evaluate the situation and let the emotions flow.

I know many who would quickly contradict me saying crying makes you weaker, your emotions are an open book and you have no control on yourself. I would like to ask them, in what exactly are they taking pride in, that they are strong, stone hearted cold hearted beasts who have locked away their emotions in the depths of their ice-cold heart or a hollow individual who feels everything inside and can't let it out.

in the process of writing this post, I realised there is not much to evaluate in the feelings behind tears because tears is a gift from god which is a lifeline for us in the worst or the best of the conditions, people might often say that they feel better after shedding a few tears but the same population might be afraid to declare or in better words endorse tears.....

suicides, murder and several things have become a bane to the society, but maybe the society needs to learn that they need to first readily first accept emotions of all kinds and maybe instil a sense of confidence in people who require it. Maybe it should lend a shoulder when someone wants to CRY their heart out!!!
PS: I have been gone a while from blogosphere it’s good to be back...


Anonymous said...

Well I liked the overall message of the post. It really shows that crying is a great alternative to lighten yourself and I agree that crying doesnt make you weak in any sense infact you come back stronger after lightening up.

But one thing that remains is that there are other alternatives to crying and depending on the nature of the person they are much more effective than crying in certain cases.

Still I think overall its a great thought to help people shed their inhibitions about crying.

R. Ramesh said...

welcome back buddy..ya everyone needs a shoulder to share troubles..right u r..cheers

Anonymous said...

Welcome back!

I could not agree more with your post. In the US it is often considered a person is doing well to not cry at a funeral, but I hear in other countries it is acceptable. I always wonder why it seems one is doing well who is not shedding tears at the loss of a dearly loved person. Health seems to dictate tears would shed!

anju singh said...

TEARS are sometime...........or say always imperlative to human existance ....and why not ? after all it makes one close to be it ,just locking oneself in room away from any public visiability or just throwing in arms of security rather a shoulder of empathy ....

but only difference it emcompasses is "the way one take it in stride..." exemplifying to the best

good thought....keep it up...

Rambler said...

When I am angry or upset, I find it hard to hold back tears. But when I am really really really upset over something, even the tears don't come, and I find it hard to let go :-(

sujata sengupta said...

Its a great post. tears are as natural as laughter, never be shy of expressing either.

nishtha said...

its a very well written message even if you have been out of touch from blogosphere...
dude i believe that those people who pretend to be strong and cold hearted are the ones who are actually the weakest since they have not attained their self actualization
tears not only helps to be relieved but also at times strengthens our aspirations. tears helps one to get closer to self and to know self cannot be achieved by everyone ....