Friday, July 17, 2009

Samaritan or Stalker !!!

I have seen several people suffering from this enigma; I feel it is an emotion which no person can understand. I am not very sure this post has a direction but it definitely has a purpose, I understand that people often try to connect with the one they care about. But the sheer inability of those who are cared about to understand this situation is mind baffling.

There are several ways to identify personalities like these, for example they may not be the most charismatic personality around but they do have a presence, they often try to make conversations with you and if you give them a hint of your friendship they try to rip out all the classic details out of you. Now you might say these are the characteristics of a stalker, who is obsessed with the person he/she stalks.

But I say maybe we should try and understand the thin line a person straddles upon when he is obsessed about somebody and when he is caring about somebody. I am not saying he might be the nicest person around but maybe we could understand his whole bag of emotions if we just gave him one chance to connect with us, he might appear irritating at first but then when you start understanding him you see that whenever you are falling of the cliff there is always a hand to bring you up.

What more can we ask for? All our life we search for somebody we can rely on, somebody we know who will stand behind us even when the winds of time are blowing against us. But we often look at the wrong place.

This maybe the dilemma of the person who is being cared about but what about the one, the one who cares, I feel they are the one who face greater misery. they care, they help and yet they often find themselves as second fiddle in all situations, it is often said when you care about somebody, you should not expect anything in return, but the human mind is inclined to think the other way. Even the wisest may feel that they deserve a minimal friendship in return of their feelings. I think this maybe the only negative shade in their character, though I think it maybe the most pivotal point of their character.

You know even after writing this I can see as a neutral judge more negative shades then positive in their characters, but I think it is the positive side which remains unexplored, so friends look around your best mate or companion might be standing round the corner!!!!!


R. Ramesh said...

just remembered the beatles song I saw her standing there..

Rambler said...

You seem to have met too many stalker characters :-)

prithvi said...

@ R. Ramesh
Good that I helped you in remember such a nice song!!! Keep visiting :)

@ Rambler
Well no I haven't met many but this post isn't about stalkers it's about mixed emotions!!!

Rambler said...

Ok, so what you wrote in the beginning, about this post not having a direction was a little true. You started out good, but things became a little blurry towards the end.It didnt feel like you are talking about obsessive stalkers or whether you were pro or against them...Maybe I interpreted it incorrectly.What do you say?

prithvi said...

@ Rambler
I know I sound confused but I am talking about those who genuinely care for you, only you can't see their feelings because of their unconventional approach!!!

Anonymous said...

I guess the sad part here is, most of the people who will read this post will read it as a person who cares for someone deeply and whole heartedly and not as a person who is being cared. BTW stop being diffident by using the word mixed emotions. Your emotions about those who care are very clear.

Anonymous said...

Well certainly this post is certainly one of those that seems different to every person on their personal level.
Overall I feel is that one must like see opportune moments to show that they care about a person. Even going a little too fast will lead the other to put you in the so called "stalker zone". One has to really rather judge a person on their nature and then decide that "How much care is not too much care". Nice post.

Sumi Mathai said...

so enigmatic seems all the unearthly, least thought-about matters, matters you :)

Anonymous said...

Ah, isn't it true that so many emotions run on a thin line all the time between two complex positions? A stalker sees him/herself as caring, bet the stalked feels suffocated, hunted, exposed. Yet the one accused as a stalker may feel feel unappreciated, unnoticed, unseen, unknown...It seems caring can go in acceptable directions to both of the people in a relationship and yet can also go to place where both parties feel out of control. Very interesting post and your idea here could be turned into a book!

See you in the fall here at the blog.

sujata sengupta said...

There is a fine line between Being a caring person and being a nuisance..I agree whole heartedly..ppl do not get the point and make it difficult for us to breathe as they are busy breathing down our necks!!

Anonymous said...

Have a happy Independence Day!Have a great weekend.